About me

About me

My homepage should be for my dogs, but I will introduce myself here briefly ... I grew up with dogs and learned to walk by the side of a shepherd called Hella from the poisonous snake. Sheep dogs have always been my love and in 2003 a dream came true with my first Border Collie. In 2005 our blue girl Joy moved in and I enjoyed the show ring and exhibitions. I began to deal with bloodlines and pedigrees and looked for a suitable breeding bitch, which I found with my Piper in 2008. In 2010 we had our first own Border Collie litter, which is something very special for me to this day. Two offspring of my Piper (daughter Dart and grandson Chill) live with a dear friend near Sydney / Australia. If you want to find out more, check out Kelly Gill or The Wonderdogs on Facebook. It is very important to me that my puppies get into the best hands, so a personal introduction to us is essential. My Border Collies come from the finest bloodlines and are particularly characterized by their unique character (a big thank you to all breeders of my dogs) !!!! Some offspring are not only successful in the show ring but are therapy companion dogs or mantrailers. Not all of my stud dogs live with me, 3 beautiful males live with a dear friend. Please only send stud requests for all my males to me!
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